Monday, September 14, 2015

A Postcard instead of a Card

Brrrrrr. Yes, Brrrrrr. Last week we were in a heat wave with temperatures in the high 90F and then the temperatures plunged big time bringing with it strong wind and it was sweater weather all of a sudden. We left the bikes at home on the weekend and did some hiking instead so we could stay in the bush and away from the wind. There were lots of birds migrating through but I was only able to get a good shot of a few of them as they were either too high and/or too deep in the trees. Here are a couple of the best ones.
A Yellow-billed Cuckoo – this is the only picture I’ve been able to get of one….only the 2nd time we’ve seen one.

This is a Blackpoll Warbler in fall plumage – so very different than in the spring, but still beautiful.

It’s warmed up to a lovely 75F today and apparently it may go up to the high 80’s by the end of the week. The wacky weather continues.

Today’s card is not a card, but a postcard. A friend of mine sends me used plastic sleeves from the cards she gets from where she lives and I usually send her a thank you card but this time I decided to send a postcard – a handmade one of course. I’ve wanted to make some postcards ever since I received a get well one from a blogger friend; Jinxxxygirl ( when I was sick. (still waiting for your new address Jinxxxygirl….hint, hint). So, I decided to make one for my friend. She loves flowers and gardening so I went with that theme.

This one is going in the mail tomorrow but this friend doesn’t use the Internet so I am safe posting it today.

The background is several layers of paint and various stencils just like making art journal or mixed media pieces. The flowers are actually a stencil but after sponging paint through the stencil I decided it looked boring so I traced the leaves onto the green paper and glued them on over top, not worrying too much if they matched exactly. The flowers were made with two different, and very old, Cuttlebug dies. The large one consists of two different parts so first the orange flower was die cut and then the brown overlay. The butterfly is a Memory Box die and the bird was die cut from some left over bit of cardstock I had stencilled and sprayed for another project. I like to save my small bits because the come in handy for birds and butterflies. The butterfly was too blah so I added the white dots using a stylus dipped in white paint. Then I added a few more dots as well. I hope she likes it. I sure had fun making it.

That’s all for a lovely warm Monday, September-14-15








  1. Wouldn't you know it... I thought you asked for my email address not my email AND address....geesh... I will get that to you Violet...

    Look at you ! A postcard. They are fun aren't they??? What did you use as a base? It just lovely. I'll bet your friend LOVES it! Hugs! deb

  2. Hi - I came over from Art Journal Every Day. Fun to see your card and the photos. too.

  3. A fun and colorful postcard! Lovely! ♥


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