I used to sell Avon . Actually did it for over 18 years and did very well at it too. When I got hit with the brain disorders my dear hubby decided to help out. It was either that or I was going to quit. So, we would take the books and I would direct him where to go and he would drop the books off in the mailbox. The customers would call their orders in and I would take the orders, make out the Avon order and submit it and separate it when it was delivered to me. Then I would call the customers and give them the amount of the order and let them know Joe would be dropping it off and off we would go. We both figured after my surgery I would be right back to normal and I would take over again. Didn’t happen. First they delayed my surgery til it ended up being 11 months after it started and a year later, I was still in recovery mode. Joe decided he was tired of being referred to as the “Avon Man” so we decided to just sell to a few close friends and relatives. Then I quit all together.
But I still had the Avon delivery bags. I used one for my library books. It was a dark grey with AVON in red the top with red handles. It worked well as we almost always walk to the library (25 minute walk with the route we take), have a coffee there (Community Living have a cafĂ© inside the library) and then walk home. Joe absolutely refused to carry the books home in the Avon bag. Like someone driving by would notice the Avon written across the top? If the bag was too heavy I would have to ask for a plastic grocery bag if I didn’t have one with me, put some heavy books in it and he would carry it and I would carry the dreaded Avon bag.
So, I made a new bag.
Yup Elvis! Love Elvis. Biggest fan ever. I was wandering around Fabricland and spotted this panel to make an Elvis bag on the clearance table – yes! I also scored some co-coordinating Elvis fabric for the lining. Now, their instructions said to put that black printed fabric at the top of the bag, on the bottom. What? I don’t think so. I wanted it to be a bit higher anyway so I put it on the top. I know, I know I don’t follow pattern instructions but usually my way works out. To make the bottom sturdy I use a piece of that plastic canvas cut to size and covered with fabric. A lot of sewers use cardboard but then you can’t wash it so I use the plastic canvas. Dollar stores are a great source for it but I scored a huge bag of it at the thrift store for $2.99…life time supply I think.
I love my new library bag but get this – Joe says there is no way he is walking home carrying that bag either! Men! Really, is there anything more fragile then a man’s ego?
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