Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I'm NOT smiling until spring

This morning we decided we absolutely had to get some groceries. The fridge was getting just a little bit bare looking. But, as usual, nothing is as simple as just getting groceries. First I mentioned that I had to go to the library, then Joe said he should go to the bank, and then I said "me too", and then he said the car needed washing because it had a lot of salt on it (yes, salt. In Canada they spread salt and sand on the roads to melt the snow and or ice and it gets sprayed up against the car which causes it to rust if you leave it on), and then we thought we may as well drop some things at the local food bank while we were down by there, and then we got groceries, and then he stopped to put gas in the car and then we had to go to the other end of town to another grocery store to get the things we couldn't get at the first one. Needless to say it was a very long morning and we ended up not eating lunch until after 1:00. Right after lunch we headed out for a 50 minute walk - some of it was a bit colder then other parts, depending on the wind. It's right at about 32F but the wind makes it feel colder.

Speaking of cold! I'm not fond of cold weather or winter so today I'm posting an art journal page to reflect my feelings.

This would be a self portrait if I was an owl! Love owls by the way. The background is the usual mixture of inks and paints ans stencils and stamps. The owl itself I cut out of an old Birds and Bloom magazine. The lettering started out as rub-ons but they were not very well adhered so I went over them with a black pen. Fun page to do for sure.


  1. A fabulous page (I love the snowy background) and I understand where you are coming from completely!

  2. I love owls too and am not terribly talented to draw one; however, I found one in a magazine I want to use but don't like the "shiny-ness" of the paper...Any ideas how to tone it down? Thanks. Annie Mouse

  3. this made me smile, in spite of myself! so cute...

  4. Anonymous - sorry I am very new to mixed media and art journal work so I don't know how to make shiny magazine paper dull.

  5. I'm with you winter is the pits great page


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