Sunday, April 28, 2013

First Bird Hike of 2013

Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL warm day here in Ontario. Today and tomorrow is rain but that's okay, we need it too. In spite of still having a cough I convinced Joe I was well enough to go for a walk around Point Pelee National Park so off we went. I know, I know, I should probably not do anything until this virus leaves me but it's been 3 weeks now and I just had to get out of this house. 
For the record, I'm not worse today from going out....still coughing but not worse. As we were walking along one trail and I had yet another coughing fit, I said to Joe "Good job we are not in that group we saw. I would be getting a lot of dirty looks for coughing so much." To which he replied "Ha. You would have been asked to leave!" Yikes, I guess I was a bit louder then I thought.

We were up early and had a very small breakfast and then stopped at Jack's Coffee House in Wheatley for a real breakfast. If you live in this area, I recommend you stop in there. Great food, great prices and a very friendly staff.

When we got to Point Pelee, we chose only two small trails to walk. We didn't walk as long as we usually do and we even took the train up to the point. Oh, but it was so nice go get out and get some fresh (and warm) air. The migratory birds are just arriving here in Ontario so we didn't see too many, but a few early ones. I only got two photos worth printing. Here they are:

This is the Red-bellied Woodpecker. Although its not visible on this photo there is a wee bit of red on their belly it is only visible when the bird is facing you. This is not a great photo but not bad.

Here's my favorite photo from yesterday.

This Blue-headed Vireo is an early arrival. Most of them won't get here for 4 or 5 days yet but this one must have caught a head wind.

Okay, back to working on the quilt for the grandson. I haven't done any visiting or even talking on the phone much because when I start talking, I start coughing. Glad I have lots of hobbies to keep me busy - and I'm very thankful to be feeling better so I can enjoy them!

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