Saturday, November 2, 2013

Scrappy Quilts

The rain continues; however, we both wanted to get a walk in because it hasn’t been a good week for us to get out and exercise has been limited. It seemed to be stopping after lunch and Joe assured me it was going to clear up so we walked downtown. He was wrong, once again. We had a few sprinkles on the way down so we walked through the mall which was not all that busy and it was raining a bit harder when we came out of the mall but the library is close to our mall and we were headed there anyway so we didn’t get very wet. The library was busier than the mall which was nice to see. Our library has a small café run by Community Living with those with learning disabilities manning it….mostly math skills are weak but they are a great group. We opted to have a coffee and read while waiting to see if the rain would stop – well, it didn’t stop but it did turn back to sprinkles so we walked on home. It’s suppose to be nice for the next four days so that will be a welcome relief.

Today I thought I’d post a few of the quilts I made for ChildCan who then give the quilts to children under the age of 18 who are diagnosed with cancer. I usually don’t have photos of them because we make them at the church and they go right from there to Sick Kids in London. However, I made some at home over the summer and I had Joe hold them up for photos and I had one other one that I made at home and took to the guild for Show and Share. These are all scrappy quilts! Nothing fancy and made to be used and abused.

This one is a crazy patch quilt I did on the serger – except for the sashings and borders. I love making crazy quilts because it uses up all the little left over crooked pieces and odd sizes. I have a lot more scraps that are going to be turned into crazy quilts so I hope they like them!


These two are so easy to make. Just make a four patch and add the borders and then put them together, one dark and one light. I have made several of these but these are the only two I have pictures of.

This one was a mystery quilt our quilt guild’s Block-of-the-Month committee had going. I decided to donate this one to ChildCan as well. It was obviously meant for a little girl and I didn't have one in my family that would suit it. I liked this quilt and I think I should find the patterns and make another one.

That's all for a rainy Saturday!




1 comment:

  1. I love all your quilts! What patience you have!

    We sure could use some of your rain. I hope shortly i'am complaining about rain too. Rainy season should start any time now and last until Mar/April but the last two years have been pretty dry.....Stay dry and warm! Hugs! deb


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