Monday, March 18, 2019

I'm Back....and with a Card

        I’m back!....not completely healthy yet but well enough to post a card. Yesterday was the first day in about 3 weeks that I went into my sewing room and did a little quilting…making sanitary pads for girls in Africa so they can go to school during their monthly…mindless sewing which is all I can handle right now. It’s too cold down in my ‘lower studio’, aka the basement, so I’ve not been able to do too much card making or scrapbooking either. It turns out I did not have pneumonia, much to the doctor’s surprise, but I did, and do, have a lung infection. The puffer and antibiotics were not getting it rid of it as quickly as they should have so I went back to the doctor on Thursday and he prescribed another puffer and prednisone. I’m not too keen on taking medications but this time he said it was necessary so I’m being good and following orders. The cough is much less today so I guess something is working.

        Enough about that. On with the card.


         A couple years ago my granddaughter, Kadri, drew my name to fill my Christmas stocking. She knew I bought blank card bases and envelopes so she bought me a package of them but they were not the blank ones I use. Instead she bought a package of note cards that had a pretty embossed front. They were smaller than I like to use too so I set them aside and forgot about them until now. I pulled one out and cut the top of and sized it down a bit so I could mount it on white - likely the inside of the card - and then onto a yellow card base. Then I stamped, coloured and die cut the flowers. Then the canning jar was die cut out of white cardstock and then blue velum. The sentiment was die cut twice from white cardstock and glued together to make it thicker.

        To assemble the card I glued a piece of ribbon onto a piece of dark brown cardstock and then glued it to the embossed note card. The white canning jar was glued down and the flowers arranged and then the blue velum canning jar was glued on top. I had left some of the leaves loose so I could glue them on top of the blue velum as I wanted some hanging down. Then the sentiment was glued on and then it was glued to the yellow card base. It turned out okay and now I’ll use the rest of the note card fronts.

        That’s all for a cool Monday, March-18-19….it’s ‘almost spring’ snow left here... but it’s supposed to warm up by the end of the week.



PS: To save a card to your Pinterest account, simply hover over the image until the ‘Pin It” symbol appears and then click…it sometimes take a few seconds. This will take you to your own Pinterest account to save the card.


1 comment:

  1. So glad your a little better Violet! Hubby has been down sick too.. Sinus infection and lung infection.. they gave him a steroid and cough medicine and sent him home.. Steroid made him feel pretty good but today was his last one so we'll see how he's doing when it wears off.. He's not feeling 100%... Lovely card.. so glad you found to use those card bases.. Big Hugs! deb


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