Monday, April 1, 2019

Snow again????

            Snow again! Seriously Mother Nature. Are you menopausal? This is ridiculous. Saturday we had rain most of the day and then in the late afternoon, it switched to snow….large wet flakes. We figured they would melt as they hit the ground. Wrong! This is the tree on our front lawn and you can see the snow across the street. I took this Sunday morning.

     We ended up with about 2” of snow which didn’t melt off the lawns, trees and fences until today. Luckily it melted off the roads and sidewalks quite quickly. To make the weekend even worse our hydro (electricity for the USA readers) went out about 8:50 pm and was off for 2 ½ hours. What a weekend!

        So, because snow is on my mind, I thought I’d switch from a card to a scrapbook layout of my grandsons playing in the snow.

Here are the pages side by side. These are not the best for viewing because I still haven’t figured out how to take clear photos of the scrapbook pages. More research required! But, it does give you an idea of how they look.

Here are the individual pages which did photograph a bit better.

I like to run an acid free black pen down the edges of the photos to make them look like they are mounted on black but with less bulk…and less paper to buy. To do this, lay a piece of scrap cardstock…I use old greeting cards with the long edge cut clean… on the photo leaving a very thin border – like 1/8”. Run the pen down the photo…sometimes twice if you don’t get good coverage. I have had a few occasions when the pen would slip and go right across the old greeting card….instead of the photo…which is why I make sure the greeting card cover the photo.

      I used two pieces of paper, one with snowflakes and one with gloves, etc. for layers on top of the background paper. Then I added the photos. I glued a thin border under the photos to ground them and to link the two pages together. The page title “Frosty Fun” were stickers that I peeled off and stuck onto die cut squares and then glued them on, on an angle. I laugh at Jack’s hat every time I look at this layout. Where in the world he found a winter hat with a gorilla face is beyond me.

        I had fewer photos on the right page so I was able to add a long border with a winter saying. Their dog got into the act as well.

      That’s all for a cool Monday, April 1, 2019. April first – Did anyone play any tricks on you? Joe, of course, had to pull one. While I was upstairs, he just had to sneak up to the front door, open it and ring the door bell, and then sneak out of sight in the living room. Of course, I’m usually the one who answers the door so I hurry down the stairs, sneak a peek out the window and see no one, so I open the door and look out and then I hear laughing behind me. Good lord. He thought this was hilarious. 




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