Sunday, May 15, 2022


 Hello fellow crafters. I haven’t posted this week because we have been so busy. We went from a very cold, windy, rainy spring into summer! Temperatures over the last couple of days have been close to 90F….love it. It’s also May that the migratory birds fly up from South America and the Southern parts of the USA to Canada to breed. Why do they come all this way? I have no idea but I’m glad they do. So, we are what is called ‘birders’. We go out to the parks and hike the trails looking for the migratory birds. Joe’s favourite is the Scarlet Tanager that we got to see yesterday….photo below.

My favourite is the Indigo Bunting, which there seems to be less of them and rare to see. We have no seen it yet.

But my other favourite is the Prothonotary Warbler which is close to being added to the Endangered Species list. We did get to see it and here are some photos of it.


 We also were lucky enough to see the Pileated Woodpecker up close. This is the woodpecker that the cartoon character, Woody Woodpecker was based on.

And I videotaped it. Turn your sound on to hear what it sounds like when he hammers his beak against the tree. Amazing. I hope this posts okay. I don't usually do videos.


I’ll be posting some cards later this week.

Take care until then.



PS: To save a card to your Pinterest account, simply hover over the image until the ‘Pin It” symbol appears and then click…it sometimes takes a few seconds. This will take you to your own Pinterest account to save the card.






1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it when you go birding! We had that woodpecker in Arkansas.. We found it extremely difficult to get pictures of as they are VERY shy.. and skittish.. All your bird photos are lovely !! And the video was great!! Hugs! deb


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