Wednesday, March 22, 2023

A Crafting Technique

This post is going to be a bit different. I’m sharing a tip of how to expand your supplies, so they work for you. Sometime in the past, before Covid, I had picked up a set of cards and envelopes from Avery, still in the unopened package, at the thrift store for I think $2.99. The package got put in with my photo paper and forgotten, until this week. I pulled it out and decided to use them instead of filing them away again. Holy Gamolie!  Each card was 8 ½” x 5 ½”. I do not make cards that large. But, even my non-math brain, said wait a minute. I can cut these in half and have 50 A2 size cards instead of 25 large ones. So that is what I did. They are now top folded but that’s okay.

         But then I looked at the envelopes. They were really good quality and just too nice to flip into the recycle bin. Luckily the flap was the rectangle type and not triangle. So, I turned them into A2 size envelopes. Here’s how.

1)   Cut the envelope so it is 5” wide.

2)  Score at 4 ½” (I like mine a bit wider if I’m making them myself.


Make a slit on the cut edge to the crease as shown and trim the opposite corner at an angle. This will reduce bulk.


 4)  Fold along the crease line on what will be the front of the envelope. (No glue yet)


 5)  Place the envelope together and press the other side over (front of the envelope). This will ensure a strong crease and it will sit flush with the other side.


6)  Add a bit of your choice of glue to one flap and adhere.


7)  Trim the envelope flap to match the other side.

8)  That’s it. This took me less than an hour, including figuring out how to do it and take the photos along the way…. But wait, there is more.

9)  I still had a stack of 25 very small potential envelopes. I just cannot throw things in the garbage or recycle bin unless I absolutely have to. I used the same process and made 25 small slim line cards. Then I simply made small slim line card bases and absolutely nothing was wasted. I don’t usually make slim line cards but I have 25 to make now.  I have a few made already actually – next post! Stay tuned!10

10) If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments and I'll be happy to answer them.









1 comment:

  1. I hate to throw away anything also Violet so this was great! Hugs! deb


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