Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Easter Bonnet

Happy Easter everyone! What a nice weekend - well the last two days anyway. Good Friday was raining but then again, it seems to me almost every Good Friday brings rain regardless of what month it falls on.

Our quilt guild was held last Wed. night and the theme, of course, was Easter. We were to wear our hand-crafted Easter Bonnets. Yours truly had to do this of course. Anything for a laugh. Here's my hat:

Oh yeah, I decided I may as well have a funny Easter vest to go along with it. The eggs hanging off the hat was a big hit. I should have moved them out a bit out of my line of vision. I kept telling people I had the largest eye floaters ever!
Now when I showed this hat to my hubby he said "You are going to leave it at the meeting right?"
Me - "No way! This is my Easter bonnet and I'm wearing it to church on Sunday!"
Him - "Not if you're sitting beside me you're not!!!"

Well, my friend took this picture of me wearing my hat but I was standing and she was sitting so it was not the best angle so I decided to take another picture this morning. I was ready for church before hubby - as usual - so I took the hat out of the spare room closet and he saw me with it. "What are doing with that thing now?"
Me - "It's my Easter bonnet. I'm wearing it to church".
Him - "Then I'm not going!"
Me - "Oh go put your pants on. I'm just kidding."

Mmmmhh. I think I do so many things for a laugh he never knows when I'm kidding or not. But I was kidding. I just wanted to take a better picture of the hat. I figure the quilt guild will likely do this every year so every year I'll just add something new to it. I already have the next two years additions planned!  Here's the hat sitting on a fan.

And the back of the hat:

Yes, there is one flower poked into the very centre of the top of the hat!

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