Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Memories of Christmas 2012 & A Snowman Plaque

Well, Christmas is over for another year. Today the malls will be filled with bargain hunters buying more stuff they don't need and probably can't afford! Fortunately Joe and I are of the same mind when it comes to finances, we both hate debt, we want a nest egg, but we want to enjoy the comforts today as well. Luckily we are able to do that and I feel sorry for those who get caught up in the madness of spending.

So, I thought I'd post a few or my memories of Christmas 2012.
Best moments and memories of Christmas 2012!

The best “Christmasy” moment was coming out of the Christmas Eve service at 8:00 p.m. to a light snow fall. Large fluffy flakes of snow just swirling around which made the street lights glow; the church bells were ringing and everyone was calling out “Merry Christmas” to each other.

The best moment for sure was thanks to technology. Our son-in-law in Kuwait was able to see his wife and sons open their presents and talk to them over the computer. 7:00 a.m. in Canada was 3:00 p.m. in Kuwait and they luckily ended work early over there so it worked out fine. He’ll be home end of January and it can’t come soon enough for Barbi and the boys.

Funniest memory – Finn’s monkey giving Grampa “5s” on Skype! What, you say! Let me explain. Grampa always teaches the grandchildren to “give me 5” right from when they are babies. The first time we used Skype he held his hand out in front of the camera and said to Finn, “Give me 5” and I said to him “He’s not going to know how to do that on Skype”! I was wrong. Finn pretended to give him slap his hand. Finn is 2-1/2 by the way. So, we talked to him Christmas morning; he ran and got some of his smaller presents to show us and he gave Grampa “5” again. Then, his aunt came over in the afternoon and one of his presents was a very large stuffed monkey. He kept asking to see Grandma on the “puter” so she Skyped me again. Apparently he wanted me to see his monkey because as soon as I answered he ran to get it. When he came back Grampa was beside me and said hi to him and we watched Finn grab the monkey’s arm and slap it down. He did it a couple of times before I clued in to what he was doing – he was having the monkey give Grampa “5”! As soon as Grampa said thanks to the monkey Finn just stood there and laughed. So darn cute that kid!

I'm also posting a small painting of a snowman on slate that I made and gave as a gift.

Nothing much to say about it because it is just a painting on a small piece of slate. Slate is very hard to drill thru! I had to buy a special drill bit and it's still takes a lot of pressure and time to drill each hole. I learned the hard way if you try to drill too close to the top, the slate flakes off. Still, I love painting on slate and I have a huge box full to use up.

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