Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ride it Out

This winter has not been kind to me so far! I still have laryngitis and a bit of a cold and yesterday I did a really stupid thing - I put the sewing machine needle thru my finger! For the first time in two weeks I felt well enough to sew and I really have no idea how my finger got so close to the needle but it did. It just caught the edge of my left index finger and sort of ripped the skin. I know, OUCH! (Good news - I didn't bleed on my project) I thought at first I may have to have a stitch in it but I finally got it to stop bleeding and bundled it up. It was throbbing last night and I didn't dare type. This morning I found my plastic finger guard (it pays to be a pack rat sometimes) so it is well protected now. I'm typing with right hand on the keyboard and the left first finger. Weird, but it works.

 Joe and I went to get groceries in the afternoon and then we went to Future Shop and we bought a new laptop and Ipad. I told Joe to keep an eye on me and warn me if I was walking around the stores holding my left index up in the air because it throbbed if I held it down. I would look like I was giving everyone "the finger". He didn't think this was as funny as I did!

So, this week's art journal challenge at Stamping Bella was to use tape of any kind on the piece. I was flipping thru an old issue of Our Canada magazine and saw a picture of someone on a camel. Ride it out jumped into my mind and my page idea was born.

Well, my life has definitely been a bit astray this winter and all I can do is ride it out. The background is again a mixture of ink, sprays and paint and stencils. I had to portray life astray so first I cut off the picture of the little girl on the camel - too ordinary - and replaced her with a photo of a boy likely downloaded from the graphics fairy blog.  Hmm what else could I add weird - birds wearing hats (free download from www.zoranland.blogspot.com), fish floating by (from www.paperwhimsey.com) and a cat wearing a top hat and tails riding backward on an old fashioned bicycle and then a dunce hat on the camel. Then I added butterfly wings behind the boy on the camel. I printed out the sentiment with my Brother label maker and added the tape.

Well, I got this posted but I think my typing will be at a minimum for a few days. Thank goodness for spell check!


  1. Well i was thinking you've been a little quiet of late...good to hear from you!

    Man! I bet that did hurt! Hmmm maybe you should just hold your whole hand up instead of the one finger...then at least people would think you were say hi instead of giving them the finger....lol Hugs! deb

  2. Ooouch! A long time ago a put the sewing needle right through my finger... I still have the mark, so I can understand your pain. My "weird" birds are in interesting company! I don't think they were ever near a camel :) Very cute! I hope your finger heals quickly!

  3. Wow, I just love your page, Violet. The colours, the composition, the boy on the camel, definitely those birds and those wonderful fish! Hope everyone enlarges it to see all the details.
    Hope your finger is recovering.


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