Saturday, June 22, 2013

Baby Shower Guests

Well the rain and thunderstorms stayed away today and we managed to get in another 27.3 km (just over 16 miles) on the bikes. The rain looks like it's on its way though. In answer to a question on yesterday's blog, no, no flooding here. That seems to be concentrated out west, especially Calgary and Hay River. My heart goes out to everyone there. Terrible flooding and entire towns under a few feet of water. So much of people's homes will be destroyed. Much like the terrible forest fires in California and Colorado. Terrible for them too.

On a brighter note, here is another scrapbook page to pursue.

This is another two page layout.  Below are the individual pages.

The background paper started as plain green and I just did some stenciling and stamping on it to give it more movement. The strips of patterned paper under the top photos were needed to ground the photos and they are just left over bits that seemed to match. The flowers were cut out from some patterned paper, the edges inked and just glued on. The fun words are self-adhesive labels but no idea where they are from. My daughter, Barbi, made that adorable cake for her sister. Those animals on top are made from marzipan. She wanted to learn to decorate cakes so told her husband she wanted the classes at the college for her birthday. He thought it was a great idea and she is a natural cake decorator. I used to be the family cake decorator but I've given the title over to Barbi. I should post some of the cakes I've done some day....if I can find photos of them!

More stenciling and stamping and flowers from patterned paper.
Hope you are all enjoying the weekend!

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