Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Bird Card

Well the bird watching season has pretty much come to an end. It was a very short season for us this year because we are fussy as to when we leave the house. We just don’t enjoy being out in bitter cold or rainy weather so we skipped several days and I don’t have a water-proof camera either. I don’t usually have good days when the wind is cold or on rainy days anyway so that is also a factor on when we can go…darn old brain disorders is not helping the situation!

I have a few more beautiful bird photos to post but those are for another day. Today I’m combining my love of photographing birds and making cards. Here’s what I came up with.


This is a photo of the Scarlet Tanager that I took. The sentiment was added in Photoshop and I printed it out on photo paper. As I looked at it I realised the bird is redder than this in real life and the tree had a bit of a bluish purple tinge to it. Then it hit me. Oh, on. My ink cartridge is obviously not picking up one colour. Well, I could have thrown it out but man I hate to waste anything so I went ahead and made it into a card because, although I know the colour is off, will a non-birder? It’s still a nice photo I think as it sort of has that vintage look to it. We shall see what others think of it. The edges were inked with a black pen before gluing it to a white card base.

 I'm back down in the lower studio today doing some scrapbooking and card making. We walked for hours three days in a row, over 8,000 steps each day, so today is definitely a day of rest.




1 comment:

  1. I like the card Violet!! I've often thought of doing that with some of my photos but haven't tried it yet.

    We've been enjoying several days of cooler weather but a warm up is on the horizon . Big Hugs! deb


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