Friday, April 14, 2023

A Warning and then a Card

 Wow! What a beautiful week for April! Its been in the 80’s and close to 90F all week……but they are predicting some snow for next Tuesday - that must be wrong!  I do believe Mother Nature is experiencing some PMS symptoms.

Before I post the card for today, I have a story …. with a warning … to share.

The card will be at the bottom of this post.

 The other day, Tim Holtz posted on Facebook a notice of his latest stamps and stencils, etc. And mentioned he would be on YouTube Saturday to demo them all. I made a comment about loving the new flower stamps. Then I got a message thanking me and asked me to join in on the LIVE CHAT with Tim. Sounds good so I clicked on it. It came up with his photo and info and asked a couple general questions, like, “how long have you been crafting and using my products”. Then I had to leave for a few hours and when I opened up Facebook later on, the chat was still on. Mmmm. There is no way Tim H. can ‘chat’ all afternoon. So I was suspicious. Also, where were the other people on the chat. Why just me?

Then the next couple of questions was for me to tell him a little more about me. Not happening…already suspicious.  I gave him the link to my blog. Got an immediate reply saying, ‘seen’. No computer is that quick that he could click on the link, wait for my blog to open up and then actually look at something.  So, now I’m wondering what the heck is this guy, (I named him Pretend Tim at this point), up to. I told him then, that I didn’t think I was chatting with the real Tim Holtz at all and it was time to end it.

He assured me he was the real Tim……asked me again for my info because, ‘after all I knew all about him’ and he listed all the companies he designs for - all easily found on the Internet - but then he added ‘and I love buying Telsa Stock’. Okay, now that is just weird.

So, I posted this photo of one of my earlier mixed media pieces….


 and asked him what the wings and key were made from. The real Tim would have known and responded immediately. Pretend Tim ignored it completely and asked if I had been following the Telsa Stock market. What? Definietly Pretend Tim. The real Tim does not have to peddle stocks to enhance his income. I’m pretty certain of that statement!

I had had enough. Called his bluff and told him I was done.

He kept asking me for more info. I told him if he contacted me again, I would just block him.  He finally gave up.

So, be careful out there. Question everything. This started out looking very legit but I’m glad I followed my gut instincts and cut him off.



Last week I had to stop in to the dollar store for something, and took a walk through the craft aisle, of course, and found a 6” paper pack of the most beautiful teal patterned paper. I know, I know. I keep saying I’m one paper pack from being on Hoarders but I just couldn’t turn it down. So, when I got home and for the next few days (I’m grounded still) I made myself a challenge to use every bit of that paper pack and NOT make a couple of cards and then put the rest in the pile. Not happening.

So, I ended up making 10 cards, all different, used all but a couple of little bits of left over bits all from one paper pack of 8 pieces of paper and one page of various images (explained below) … and a few embellishments I already had, which also came from the dollar store.  

Card Number 1


 Now I’m not sure which ones I made first, but this was definitely one of them. The strip of butterflies was on a sheet that I thought were stickers. Nope. They used to be stickers but the company simply printed them on regular paper. Sneaky Petes! So I simply cut the strip off and added it to the side of the beautiful paper. I didn’t want to cover it up so it was just cut down to the standard A2 size. Of course, it needed a little more so I added the silver peel-off sentiment and small dragonfly and then added very tiny silver dots to the centres of the flowers. It was added to a lighter teal/blue card base. Quick and easy but so pretty.

Come back for the next in this “Teal Series” of cards.

That’s all for a beautiful warm Friday, April 14, 2023. Have a wonderful, safe and creative weekend everyone.



Ps: To save a card to your Pinterest account, simply over over the image until the “Pin It” symbol appears and then click …. be patient, it sometimes takes a few seconds. This will take you to your own Pinterest account to save the card.



  1. Wow Violet! I'm glad you are one smart lady! They sure can make those things seem legit these days! What a beautiful card too! Those butterflies just make the card special. Hugs! deb

  2. We have to be so careful these days. I never give out personal to anyone who phones me or on the internet.


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