Wednesday, May 24, 2023

50th Wedding Anniversary Card

 There is a cold North wind blowing today so we are staying inside. Besides, we went to Erieau yesterday, which is a small village right along the shore of Lake Erie and walked a trail looking for birds. We did get to see some, and photographed some, but the leaves are out in full force so it is hard to see the birds. So, we are a bit tired today and taking it easy.

 On Saturday we had the pleasure of attending the 50th wedding anniversary party for one of my sons-in-law’s parents. This is the card I made for them. Lots of layers on this card.

 It does not photograph well because both the gold cardstock and white cardstock are so shiny. The card base is the textured gold. The other elements are all from an old Spellbinder’s die set. The first white layer was die cut but I would do it differently next time. I wanted this layer to be raised up so I used a double sided roll of tape on the back of the shiny white cardstock; and on a piece of white foam, back and front. It was thick. My Big Shot groaned when I ran it through - several times. It did die cut but I had to pick out all those little pieces with tweezers….groan. But it was what I wanted to it was glued to the gold card base.

Then I used another piece of the same gold to die cut that fancy frame - just one piece so no problem getting it to die cut. I wanted to stamp the sentiment but it had to be on white so I flipped the die over and outlined just the centre piece and hand cut it a bit smaller. Then the sentiment was inked in VersaMark ink and then the gold embossing powder was heat set. It needed something else so I added the five tiny pearls.

They liked it and thought it was beautiful so mission accomplished.

 That’s all for a cool Wednesday, May 24, 2023.



Ps: To save a card to your Pinterest account, simply over over the image until the “Pin It” symbol appears and then click …. be patient, it sometimes takes a few seconds. This will take you to your own Pinterest account to save the card.






1 comment:

  1. It IS beautiful Violet! I'm sure they loved it! You are so clever in your card making and the care that you put into it shines through! Stay warm! It was a little cool this morning so we mowed the weeds and worked out in the yard.. Hugs! deb


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