Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Gate Fold Card

 The April Showers have persisted all of May! It has been a very wet spring so far. The other night we were under a tornado threat but it missed us and stayed over the lake. But rain! Wow! It has rained almost every day or at least every other day in May. We enjoyed seeing our peonies bloom for about two days and then the ‘Peony Rain’, as my mother used to call it, came and flattened them. Happens every year. Joe’s ready to pull them all out but I’m just not ready for that yet.

Oh well, sunnier days are coming I’m sure.

 Today’s card is another gate fold card. It’s so much fun to make these.


I found this pretty flowered paper in a 6” paper pack and luckily had the matching purple cardstock in my stash. I love having stashes! The flowers on the front are from a dollar store and the sentiment is a gold peel-off. The little flower on the lower left keeps the card closed. It needed a little more so I added the sequins and gems.

That’s all for a rainy, thunderstormy Tuesday, May 28, 2024.



Ps: To save a card to your Pinterest account, simply over over the image until the “Pin It” symbol appears and then click …. be patient, it sometimes takes a few seconds. This will take you to your own Pinterest account to save the card.


1 comment:

  1. So good to see you post Violet! We've had alot of storms and rain too... tornadoes around us but not on us thank goodness... Beautiful sunny day today though... Love your GateFold Card... beautiful as always... take care! Hugs! deb


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