Friday, August 17, 2018

Page Two

This was a busy Friday – first we had an unexpected but delightful visit from friends but had to cut it short because I had signed up as a volunteer to cover the front table for the quilt show….beautiful quilts! That ended at 1:00 so home for a quick lunch and then ran some errands. One of them was to pick up my wedding ring that had worn through. I was surprised they could fill it with gold and mend it – looks like new. I had another wedding ring that was filigree designed and it was beautiful but it cracked in several places and could not be repaired. It’s been sitting around for ages and I finally wondered if it could be melted down to a nugget and I could wear it as a necklace – yes! It can be and it only cost $55.00 to do so. I’m a happy camper!

        Today I’m posting the second half of a two page layout I did of my grandson when he came for a weekend visit.

Here is a review of the first page.

 Here is the second page.

        Once again the photos were downloaded to a scrapbook template using Photoshop Elements. Then I simply added the computer generated journaling; brads; buttons and embellishments.

        That’s all for another hot and humid Friday, August 17, 2018. We had another thunderstorm last night and another one predicted for this evening but a lovely weekend promised – by the weather bureau so we shall see if it works out that way!



PS: To save a card to your Pinterest account, simply hover over the image until the ‘Pin It” symbol appears and then click…it sometimes take a few seconds. This will take you to your own Pinterest account to save the card.

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