Friday, March 6, 2020

A Scrapbook Layout

        Winters back again. What a wild ride we’ve had this winter with the weather. It’s just above freezing now and we are expecting a small amount of wet snow and/or rain. This morning we had a snow shower with the biggest snowflakes ever! It was quite pretty watching it come down….it melted as soon as it landed though. This afternoon we had more snow….but not the big soft ones – but hard wet ones with strong winds….brrrr.  It’s cold today and tomorrow……but Sunday and Monday it is expected to be 11C (51F) then back down to near freezing again. Crazy! Crazy! Crazy weather.
        Today I’m posting another scrapbook layout. This one is about my grandson and one of the clubs he belongs to. Most of the clubs he joins include two things – something physical to do and they raise money for cancer. His father usually is along too as either coach or just watching.
        This layout was based on a sketch from Creative Scrapbook Sketchy group on Facebook that I joined.
Here is the sketch:

Here is my take on it. 

I pretty much followed the sketch but the one photo on the top left could not be cut down to fit one square so it took up two of them. The papers are from the stash. Once I glued down the photos; designer paper instead of a photo; and the computer generated journal squares it was a simple matter of adding the die cut embellishments. This is from 2016 just before he donated his long hair to Locks of Love and he now has a brush cut!
        That’s all for a cold, windy and snowy Friday, March 6, 2020. Have a wonderful, safe and creative weekend everyone. Hopefully none of you are affected by the new virus that is causing havoc all over the world.
My inspirational quote for the weekend is from Desmond Tutu – “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”. My hope is that they find a way to stop this virus for once and for all.


PS: To save a card to your Pinterest account, simply hover over the image until the ‘Pin It” symbol appears and then click…it sometimes take a few seconds. This will take you to your own Pinterest account to save the card.


1 comment:

  1. You stay safe too my friend... What an inspirational young man! I always love to see your scrapbooking.. Gives me ideas... :) Hugs! deb


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