Monday, August 3, 2020

A Quick and Easy Masculine Card

        Happy Civic Monday if you live in Canada. This was a long weekend for Canadians….but a pretty rainy one in a lot of areas, including ours. We finally got some rain. I feel bad for the campers but we really needed a good rain. There is really no reason why it’s called the Civic Holiday except when it first started every city could decide if they wanted to declare it a holiday. It was hit and miss at first but now it’s pretty much a national holiday.

        Today is another ‘use up the scraps’ card. 

         Sometimes when I really don’t feel all that creative, I just sit and glue strips of paper to a piece of scrap paper to be used in cards later on. I must have had a couple of bad days because I have quite a stack of these on hand. I like to send my brother a card every couple of weeks….he’s in the hospital and unfortunately will not be returning home. Sending him a card and chatting on the phone is about all we can do during this pandemic. So, I have to keep coming up with masculine cards. I pulled this pieced background out and mounted it on a salmon coloured card base that is pretty close in colour to one of the strips. Then the duck and reeds were die cut out of black; glued to a small piece of brown cardstock; and then it was glued to the background. This was definitely a quick and easy card but I’m pretty sure he will like it.

        That’s all for a rainy holiday Monday on August 3, 2020….August already!!!!



PS: To save a card to your Pinterest account, simply hover over the image until the ‘Pin It” symbol appears and then click…it sometimes take a few seconds. This will take you to your own Pinterest account to save the card.





1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother Violet. I'm sure he loves the cards you send and the conversations. This virus is such a terrible thing... keeping people apart who should be together.. Love the way this card came together. Hugs! deb


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