Thursday, July 13, 2023

Quilt Block Cards

 Once again the heat wave only lasted a few days and then the rain came and it has cooled off. The A/C has been on and off more times than ever before. We’ve had more rain than we need now but more is expected.

I pulled out an old die that mimics a quilt block. I made two cards with the same die and yet they look like they are different sizes. It’s the colour placement that makes a difference, in fabric and on paper. Both  are standard A2 size cads, 4.25 x 5.5 and both card bases are exactly the same pattern. The die cut border was added to each.

Here they are.

 Dark Panels and a white sashing with light background makes the petals look small.


 Where as the medium pink with a dark sashing and light background makes the panels look much larger.

Trust me, they were made with the same die so they are the exact same size. I love to send these to my quilting friends.

That’s all for a cool Thursday, July 13, 2023.



Ps: To save a card to your Pinterest account, simply over over the image until the “Pin It” symbol appears and then click …. be patient, it sometimes takes a few seconds. This will take you to your own Pinterest account to save the card.


1 comment:

  1. Those are certainly beautiful cards Violet! I do see the illusion of size difference... how odd but beautiful! We are just plain HOT.. 107 or 108 F expected today... uuuughh... save me.... lol Even the Sunflowers look like they are starting to give up the ghost with the heat and lack of water... Hugs! deb


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