Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Birds, Birds and more Birds.

       We had a wonderful day yesterday at Point Pelee National Park birding. We took a young lady with us that does not drive, is a novice birder and wanted to see the migratory birds. She located us through Ontario Birds on Facebook and we decided to take a chance and meet her. We took her to both Rondeau and Point Pelee and she was thrilled seeing all the birds and she is a novice photographer as well; has the same camera as I do, and got some great pictures. I’m going to post all the recent bird photos here and then do another post with the card.

         Hope you enjoy these.

This is a female Cerulean. She was very hard to get a decent photo of her as she seldom stopped jumping around.

Love the Catbirds.

Most of the Juncos have left for the north
but this one decided to stay behind.

One of our favourite warblers - the Black-throated Blue.

So pretty!

The Yellow Warblers stay all summer.

Was happy to see the Chestnut-sided Warbler.

Another favourite - the American Redstart.

Hard to get a decent shot of the B&W too.

The Marsh Wren was very co-operative.

The Prothonotary Warbler -
the photographers will wait for hours 
to get one shot of him. This was take
after 7:00 at night so not very clear but 
he is still beautiful.

Another vireo. Love this shot.

This is the first time we have ever seen the Prairie Warbler!

Yes, another Yellow-throated Vireo.
Some years we are lucky to see one, 
this year we have seen three different ones.

Hope you enjoyed these. I'm posting a card by itself on a separate posting.


1 comment:

  1. Violet i love seeing all your bird photos. The only one i've seen is the Junco and ofcourse they are all gone from these parts.. :) So pretty and so nice of you and hubby to take that young lady around. But then i knew you were a nice lady!

    I've learned alot this year .. I now know the Crossbills and the Orioles for the first time this year.. over winter i saw the Cedar Waxwings for the first time since childhood.. Its been a good year... Tell me do you keep track of all the birds you see... Do you have a bucket list so to speak .. ? Hugs! deb


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