Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Talented Artist Featured

 We are having a freezing rain storm in Ontario right now and will continue overnight. This is one of the worst storms to have. It occurs when it rains while the temperature is just a degree under the freezing mark so the rain freezes upon contact of anything. Tree limbs get coated with ice and break off and the roads are like an ice rink. It is just under the freezing mark right now (8:30 pm) but with the wind it feels like -9C (15F); however, by tomorrow afternoon it could get as warm as 10C(50F) and that means we will be under a flood warning! Mother Nature is having a little trouble staying on a consistent coarse again this year.

Instead of posting a card tonight, I’m featuring a painting my niece, Sherri, did.  This niece has always been very artistic but has never devoted herself to it full time. Last year she decided she really wanted to paint and sell some of her paintings. I gave her permission to use any of my photos that she wanted to paint and she did paint a Downy woodpecker from one of my photos. She did take some art classes in college but not since then. She is retired now and decided to try her hand at water colouring. She’s a natural.

 She sent me a photo of this one:

This is her rendition from the photo I took of Joe walking along the beach at Point Pelee. Its one of my favourite photos and I have it mounted and sitting on my computer desk. Here is the original photo.


When she casually sent me a picture of this painting I immediately turned to Joe and said, “We have to buy that painting. We just have to”. But when I asked Sherri if I could buy it she laughed and said she painted it for me as a thank you for letting her have access to all my photos. Bless her heart. It just came in the mail yesterday. We love it and will be having it professionally framed.

 That’s all for a cold and icy night.



Ps: To save a card to your Pinterest account, simply over over the image until the “Pin It” symbol appears and then click …. be patient, it sometimes takes a few seconds.  This will take you to your own Pinterest account to save the card.


1 comment:

  1. Violet that is a beautiful watercolor painted by you niece! Loving the photo and the painting. Your niece is truly talented. Stay safe in that ice storm.. Just the other day we were 90 F!! Now we are in the 70's F ... soon the 50's F. Good days for golf.. fishing.. uuughhh.. this is supposed to be Winter... lol Hugs! deb


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